“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Rumi (Persian poet and mystic, 1207-1273)
This idea so resonated with me. I always had this yearning to go deeper, to get a stronger connection with myself, and so be able to connect with a loving partner. I recognised I had barriers within, but I didn’t know what they were or how to tackle them.
I did a lot of work on myself – but I had a real breakthrough when I discovered practices of Sacred inner Union. It helped me melt the barriers within me that stop me loving myself, and so allowed me to open my heart to the divine and then a beloved partner.
Now I work with people to take them on this fulfilling journey. Sacred Union is so much more than the experience of a love relationship. Although, I do want to describe, when coming together with my Beloved – we channel divinity in our interactions and in lovemaking, and so create something much more than would otherwise be possible.
We manifest the full ecstatic reunion of the Divine Mother and Father, the God and Goddess, and we do this consciously and fully so that the act of love has a higher resonance than just the physical experience. This extends the idea of lovemaking far beyond the bedroom and infuses every encounter together with the same divine energy.
AND: we can also create Sacred Union with the elements, with plant spirits, … it becomes the essence of connecting with our surroundings, bringing Divinity into the everyday life!
My vision through my work: to enable you to be fully embodied, live from your heart, create authentic relationships in deep connection – and so be fully alive!

sacred circle online programme
• learn to relate from your innate power centres & live from your heart
• enhance your vitality and sensuality
• become more emotionally balanced & stable
Love all the parts of yourself – including the bits you currently don’t like
We all have aspects of ourselves we just don’t like. They may be physical bits, behaviours or character traits where we kick ourselves after we display them. Or there are emotional responses we have which echo earlier experiences in our lives and that we know prevent us from opening our heart fully.
There may be other, darker responses which we don’t recognise or see.
If we don’t see these fully then they remain as visible or invisible barriers to love. That’s why the path to Sacred Union begins with this journey within.
We work together to recognise the inner barriers and finally transform them. The aim is to accept and love all the dimensions of your true Self as the foundation to fully open your heart. We all have these issues with ourselves. How would it feel to see them, embrace them and love them like a mother loves a child?
What happens when we do?
There’s this incredible sense of peace and self-love. The ocean becomes calm and quiet. You have access to this vastness within yourself which connects you to everything – this is full expansion. And this is the starting point to allow or enhance pleasure and joy in your life.
You’re going back to a stillness within. That stillness allows you to attract something different or someone new into your life, and at a higher frequency than before. What does this mean? It means a higher level, more in tune with who you are and can be. Too often we operate at low frequency, unconsciously simply living without thinking.
This conscious practice allows you to develop a state of being from which people will respond to you differently than before, because there’s something different about you – a state of Sacred inner Union. You suddenly can distinguish what feels right and what doesn’t anymore. What do you do that doesn’t serve you? This work gives you the chance to put healthy boundaries into place which means you’re much more conscious about who you’re being, how you show up and who you’re with.
You’re a human being not a human doing. All of this work can be summed up in that statement.
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